Multiple studies in India have found elevated blood lead levels (BLLs) in target populations. However the data have not yet been evaluated to understand population-wide exposure levels. We used arithmetic mean blood lead data published from 2010 to 2018 on Indian populations to calculate the average BLLs for multiple subgroups.
The relationship between blood lead level and neurodevelopment was assessed in a pilot cross-sectional study of 74 4-14-year-old children in Chennai, India. Mean blood lead level was 11.1 μg/dL (2.5,–38.3).
Lead (Pb) is of major environmental concern due to its toxicological importance. The anthropogenic emission of Pb is at least 100 times higher than natural emissions. Soil and dust are significant sources of Pb exposure. Lead is generally immobile in soil and accumulates in the upper layers.
Ecosystems worldwide are being affected by numerous kinds of anthropogenic activities. Rapid and uncontrolled industrial growth in most part of the developing world has aggravated environmental contamination, some of which are potent pollutants. It is common knowledge that such pollutants significantly affect human health, as is the case with heavy metals and with organic dusts as an emerging concern.
Lead poisoning was studied in a mining area of odisha. The study area taken is in between the radius of 5km. from the mining site. Males of different age groups living in different distances are considered for observation.
Data is critical, and there is an urgent need to monitor Pb levels in children and pregnant women. This data in turn, can be used to determine the main sources of Pb causing high exposures, and this analysis is also needed in many states. This, in turn, can be used to make sure that the sources of Pb are being properly managed to avoid exposure risks.
Among the heavy metals lead plays no known role in the human body with no deficiency syndromes and a trace of it
impairs body physiology. According to WHO health criteria (1995) mining smelting and refining as well as the manufacturing of lead obtaining compounds and goods, can give rise to lead exposure.
Lead is toxic to children and effects the cognitive development. The primary objective was to assess the association of blood lead level (BLL) with cognitive performance and general intelligence, of urban school going children aged 6–16 years from ten cities of India. Secondary objective was to assess the association of anaemia with cognitive performance and general intelligence.
It is generally acknowledged that the rise in global population has prompted fast urbanization and industrial development, which in turn result in the production of a high volume of effluents that negate the ecosystem and human health. Release of effluents from several industries like leather tanning, dyeing, pharmaceutical, electro‐ plating, and chemical processing without proper treatment deteriorates water bodies.
Background: Lead can cause significant biological and neurologic damage, even at small concentrations, and young children are at higher risk. Informal recycling of lead batteries and lead-based workshops/industries have increased the burden of lead toxicity in developing countries, including India.
Since the global phase-out of leaded petrol, reports have suggested that lead exposure remains substantial or is increasing in some low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, few studies have attempted to systematically assess blood lead levels over the full range of LMICs. We aimed to describe values for blood lead level in LMICs.
The ash content formed after burning of materials in indoor may be harmful to environment on dumping due to high ionic and metallic concentration. Therefore, the chemical composition of various indoor ash residues derived from burning of the biomass (BM), coal (C), cow dung (CD), incense (IS) and mosquito coil (MC) materials is described in this study.
Lead exposure has previously been associated with intellectual impairment in children in a number of international studies. In India, it has been reported that nearly half of the children have elevated blood lead levels (BLLs). However, little is known about risk factors for these elevated BLLs.
Pollution of urban geomedia is of a great public health interest due to receiving of large amounts of pollutants from multiple sources including industrial wastes, vehicle emissions, coal and biomass burnings, etc. (Li et al., 2012; Obaidy et al., 2013; Plyaskina & Ladonin, 2009).
Lead poisoning has been documented since antiquity but occupational lead intoxication still continues to occur (Rampe] 1989). Now there is a growing consensus that low levels of lead exposure often do not result in the manifestation of toxic symptoms, but may have sub- clinical toxicity on haemopoit ic and renal system (Marks (1985; Hunter 1986; Goyer 1990).
Electronic waste (e-waste) is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the country. Growth of Information and Communication Technology sector has enhanced the usage of the electronic equipment exponentially. Faster obsolescence and subsequent up-gradation of electronics product, are forcing consumers to discard old products, which in turn accumulate huge e-waste to the solid waste stream.