The Toxic Truth: Children’s Exposure to Lead Pollution Undermines a Generation of Future Potential Hundreds of millions of children are poisoned by lead. Some of these children live in poor communities in rich countries, but the vast majority live in poor countries where they are exposed to lead through multiple routes. Often unwittingly and with life-altering consequences, these children are growing up in harm’s way, inhaling dust and fumes from informal used lead-acid battery recycling operations and open-air smelters, eating food contaminated by lead-glazed pottery and lead-infused spices, living in homes with peeling lead paint, playing, and even working, in lead-laced electronic waste dumps.
The Toxic Truth: Children’s Exposure to Lead Pollution Undermines a Generation of Future Potential This joint report by UNICEF and Pure Earth notes that lead is a potent neurotoxin that causes irreparable harm to children’s brains. Around 1 in 3 children – up to 800 million globally – has blood lead levels at or above 5 micrograms per decilitre (µg/dL), a level that the World Health Organization and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated it requires global and regional interventions.
Therapeutic potential of thiamine in lead toxicity -a clinical study Occupational exposure to lead is hazardous and hence requires to be prevented and treated. The use of sensitive biochemical markers such as erythrocytic ALAD and renal tubular lysosomal enzyme NAG are gaining importance as early parameters to detect exposure to lead and sub-clinical toxicity.
Toxic Effect of ORE Mining on Soil and Water Quality at Chhatisgarh, India Mining involves various activities for extraction of minerals and metals from the earth. The heavy metal content of these samples obtained from mine site to study the distribution pattern of trace metals due to mining activity.
Toxicity of Lead (PB) and Mercury (HG) in Vermilion (Sindoor) in India and Comparison of old and New Process of Formation of Vermilion India is a very great country because there are so many religions and so many festivals of them. All the religions have same respects in here. One of the beautiful and very old religions is ‘Hindudharma’ in here. It is a biggest religion in here. Maximum populations follow this religion in India.
Toxicology Research Bulletin The plethora of literature has supported the potential benefits of Resveratrol (RV) as a life- extending as well as an anticancer compound. However, these two functional discrepancies resulted at different concentration ranges. Likewise, the role of Resveratrol on adult neurogenesis still remains controversial and less understood despite its well documented health benefits.
Trace Elements Analysis in Drinking Water of Meghalaya by Using Graphite Furnace-Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and in relation to Environmental and Health Issues The knowledge of the distribution of trace elements in drinking water serves as the basic information for the future researchers to select the elements for controlled study and in establishing their critical limits. This will surely help to have a better idea in taking further steps for possibly enhancing the quality of drinking water in the state.
Tracing Out Correlation between Blood Lead and Haematological Parameters in Villagers around a Lead Mine Area Lead concentration in different people of different age groups and sexes were analyzed by AAS around five different villages in a derelict Lead mine area in Sundargarh district of Odisha state.
Urban soil quality of Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Most coal in India originates from the Korb basin (Chhattisgarh), where coal mines, thermal power, and aluminum plants operate. Groundwater in this region faces severe pollution due to land reclamation, leaching of coal-related contaminants, waste disposal , and industrial effluent seepage. This work presents results from monitoring groundwater pollution in the Korba basin from 2012 to 2017.